60000 procedure codes that are “Nevers” for assistant surgeon
The below table identified procedure codes that are not eligible for reimbursement when reported by an Assistant Surgeon.
60000 62281 64479 64744 65775 66982 67800 68340 69450
60100 62282 64480 64774 65778 66983 67801 68360 69501
60300 62284 64483 64776 65779 66984 67805 68362 69502
61000 62287 64484 64778 65780 66985 67808 68371 69505
61001 62290 64505 64782 65782 66986 67810 68400 69511
61020 62291 64508 64783 65800 66990 67820 68420 69540
61026 62292 64510 64784 65805 67005 67825 68440 69601
61050 62294 64517 64787 65810 67010 67830 68500 69602
61055 62310 64520 64788 65815 67015 67835 68510 69603
61070 62311 64530 64790 65820 67025 67850 68520 69604
61105 62318 64550 64795 65850 67028 67875 68525 69605
61107 62319 64553 64820 65855 67030 67880 68530 69610
61108 62350 64555 64831 65860 67031 67882 68540 69620
61120 62355 64560 64832 65865 67101 67900 68550 69631
61150 62360 64561 64834 65870 67105 67901 68700 69632
61151 62361 64565 65091 65875 67110 67902 68705 69633
61210 62362 64566 65093 65880 67115 67903 68760 69635
61215 62365 64568 65101 65920 67120 67904 68761 69636
61316 62367 64569 65103 65930 67141 67906 68770 69637
61517 62368 64570 65125 66020 67145 67908 68801 69641
61624 63600 64573 65130 66030 67208 67909 68810 69642
61626 63610 64575 65135 66130 67210 67911 68811 69643
61720 63615 64577 65140 66150 67218 67912 68815 69644
61735 63650 64581 65150 66155 67220 67914 68816 69645
61750 63688 64585 65155 66160 67221 67915 68840 69646
61751 63746 64590 65175 66250 67225 67916 68850 69650
61760 64400 64595 65205 66500 67227 67917 69000 69660
61770 64402 64600 65210 66505 67228 67921 69005 69661
61781 64405 64605 65220 66600 67229 67922 69020 69662
61782 64408 64610 65222 66605 67250 67923 69090 69666
61783 64410 64611 65235 66625 67311 67924 69100 69667
61790 64412 64612 65270 66630 67312 67930 69105 69676
61791 64413 64613 65272 66635 67314 67935 69110 69700
61793 64415 64614 65273 66680 67316 67938 69120 69710
61795 64416 64620 65275 66682 67318 67950 69140 69711
61885 64417 64622 65280 66700 67320 67961 69145 69714
61886 64418 64623 65285 66710 67331 67966 69150 69720
61888 64420 64626 65286 66711 67334 67971 69200 69801
62000 64421 64627 65290 66720 67335 67975 69205 69802
62148 64425 64630 65400 66740 67343 68020 69210 69805
62194 64430 64632 65410 66761 67345 68040 69220 69806
62201 64435 64640 65420 66762 67346 68100 69222 69905
62225 64445 64650 65426 66770 67405 68110 69300 69910
62252 64446 64653 65430 66820 67412 68115 69310 69930
62263 64447 64680 65435 66821 67415 68130 69400
62264 64448 64681 65436 66825 67500 68135 69401
62267 64449 64702 65450 66830 67505 68200 69405
62268 64450 64718 65600 66840 67515 68320 69420
62269 64455 64719 65760 66850 67550 68325 69421
62270 64470 64721 65765 66852 67560 68326 69424
62272 64472 64726 65767 66920 67700 68328 69433
62273 64475 64727 65771 66930 67710 68330 69436
62280 64476 64734 65772 66940 67715 68335 69440
Auditory System Procedures to be Included In Tympanostomy The following auditory system procedures are included in the performance of tympanostomy (Procedure code 69436):
Code 69200 – Removal foreign body from external canal; without general anesthesia
Code 69205 – Removal foreign body from external auditory canal; with general anesthesia
Providers will receive payment for code 69436 only, even though the other four procedures may have been performed on the same recipient on the same date.
Conversely, a payment for code 69200 for a particular recipient on a particular date of service will result in denials of claims for codes 69205, 69210, 69401, and 69436.
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