Payment for service incident to Admission

Policy Services rendered prior to a related inpatient admission are considered incidental to admission and are included in the inpatient reimbursement rate. Services that are incidental to an admission include: • Surgical day care • Observation stay • Emergency room...

Well child care CPT codes full list

The following chart outlines appropriate CPT codes to use when billing for well-child care services and the number allowed at each age interval. Service Procedure Codes Office Visit Hospital Visit     99381-99384, 99461, 99391-99394 99460, 99463...

PI and PS Modifier for PET SCAN

B. Modifiers for PET Scans Effective for claims with dates of service on or after April 3, 2009, the following modifiers have been created for use to inform for the initial treatment strategy of biopsy-proven or strongly suspected tumors or subsequent treatment...