CPT CODE G0446 AND covered frequency

Intensive Behavioral Therapy (IBT) for Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Also known as a CVD risk reduction visit HCPCS/CPT Codes G0446 – Annual, face-to-face intensive behavioral therapy for cardiovasculardisease, individual, 15 minutes ICD-10-CM Codes See...

Usage of AT (Active Treatment ) Modifier

The Active Treatment (AT) modifier defines the difference between active treatment and maintenance treatment. Effective October 1, 2004, the AT Modifier is required under Medicare billing to receive reimbursement for CPT codes 98940-98942. For Medicare purposes, the...

CPT CODE G0436, G0437 and coverage benefits

Counseling to Prevent Tobacco Use (for Asymptomatic Beneficiaries) HCPCS/CPT Codes G0436 – Smoking and tobacco cessation counseling visit for the asymptomatic patient; intermediate, greater than 3 minutes, up to 10 minutes G0437 – Smoking and tobacco cessation...